Barion Pixel

Vtes: Fifth Edition: Salubri


This deck relies on vigilance and protection. Your vampires use their powers of Auspex to foresee enemy moves and Fortitude to make their bodies nigh-indestructible in combat. When the time is right, you launch upon your prey, using mind-swaying Dominate powers to damage your foes.

This is a deck with 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards, ready for play out of the box or customizable with other Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards. Each player needs a deck to play.

Contents are detailed below. The number before each card is the number of copies of that card in the deck.

2 Abaddon (NEW)
1 Aniel (NEW)
1 Castellan (NEW)
1 Dominica (NEW)
1 Ilonka (NEW)
2 Malachi (NEW)
1 Opikun (NEW)
1 Sakhar (NEW)
1 Seraphina (NEW)
1 Yael (NEW)

1 Anarch Troublemaker
2 Blood Doll
1 Guardian Angel
1 KRCG News Radio
1 Meditative Grove (NEW)
1 Powerbase: Montreal
1 Saulot’s Avenging Fist (NEW)
1 Saulot’s Guiding Wisdom (NEW)
1 Saulot’s Healing Touch (NEW)
2 Vessel

4 Govern the Unaligned
4 Feast of the Soul’s Secrets (NEW)

1 Bowl of Convergence
1 Ivory Bow
1 Sword of the Archangel (NEW)

4 Bonding
4 Forced Confessional (NEW)
4 Freak Drive
2 Seduction
4 Unleashing the Bestial Soul (NEW)

3 Hidden Strength
3 Indomitability
2 Rolling with the Punches
3 Touch of Valeren (NEW)
4 Weighted Walking Stick

3 Deflection
2 Delaying Tactics
2 Eagle’s Sight
2 Enhanced Senses
4 Eyes of Argus
2 My Enemy’s Enemy
2 On the Qui Vive
4 Telepathic Misdirection

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